Nutrition,  Top Tips

Get ready to race – recipe 3

Ensure you are in tip-top form on race day with the last of three recipes from nutritionist Kathy Findlay

Blend your own smoothie bowl

Pre-race breakfasts are possibly the most individual meal choice on race weekend and will be determined by your own abilities to digest foods while battling with nerves.

One thing is for sure though, you need breakfast before you head into the water if you want to perform at your best and make sure your dedicated months of training don’t go to waste.

Fasted races result in you using up your stored glycogen in your muscles simply to function pre-race. You’ll know if this is happening because you’ll be visiting the toilet too often before the race as your body releases the stored water from your muscles, leaving your glycogen stores depleted before you even enter the water.

Smoothies have always been my favourite choice pre-race as they’re easy to digest and contain the best form of carbohydrate to get you to the start line and beyond. A small amount of protein will assist you in later hours in endurance races, so add nuts or nut butters if that’s your preference, but concentrate primarily on medium to low GI carbohydrates.


  1. Blend 1 cup of frozen fruit, apples, berries, oranges, pineapples, mangoes, peaches, pears or cherries, for example, with 1 frozen banana.
  2. Add ½ cup of liquid, such as coconut water, almond milk, soya milk or 100% fruit juice.
  3. Add 2tbsp of a protein and blend in. Excellent choices include nut butters, flaxseeds, chia seeds, yoghurt, tofu or oats.
  4. Once absolutely smooth, pour into a bowl and top with your choice of items such as sliced fruit, cinnamon, agave, honey, nuts, chocolate chips, coconut, granola or dried fruit.
  5. Be creative!

Kathy Findlay is an open water swimmer, nutritional therapist and advanced sports and exercise nutritional advisor providing personalised nutritional advice and plans to athletes.

See Kathy’s Instagram account for more recipe ideas: food4sport_

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