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Bude Sea Pool
Semi-natural tidal pool dating back to the 1930s. Unrestricted, free admission every day, 24 hours a day. Managed by a local charity.

Bude Sea Pool is a semi-natural tidal pool and is a safe haven for wild swimming on the edges of the Atlantic Ocean. There is no cost, no booking nor any other imposed restriction. Bude Sea Pool is for everyone to enjoy for free.

Bude Sea Pool is preserved and enhanced, as well as kept safe and free by the charity, Friends of Bude Sea Pool (FoBSP). This charity receives no regular Town, Council or central government funding and therefore relies on the generosity of those who visit and use it.

+ 44 (0)1288 488118
Friends of Bude Sea Pool,
Summerleaze Car Park,
Post Code
EX23 8HJ