Business to Business

Connect your business to the outdoor swimming community by showcasing, inspiring and educating the audience about your products or services via outdoor swimmer magazine and its multiple channels.

To be involved in any magazine issues please find our advertising deadlines below. Book in early to avoid disappointment – our slots fill up fast!


Please see below for details of our themes for the rest of the year, to assist in the design and timing of your marketing communications. We are now taking ad bookings for our September issue and new October Winter Swim Supplement. If you would like to advertise in these or one of the months below, please contact us.

  • September 2024 – Indian Summer: celebrating autumn warmth
  • October 2024 – Health & Fitness; Supplement: Winter Swim Guide
  • November 2024 – Winter Swimming; Supplement: Christmas Buying Guide

Gear testing

  • September – change robes, coats, after-swim shoes
  • October – pool training kit, dryland training kit, tech, skincare, shampoos and haircare
  • November – neoprene accessories, layering

To submit kit for review please contact us.

Advertising deadlines

IssueAd securing deadlineAd deadline
SepFriday 9th AugFriday 16th Aug
OctFriday 6th SepFriday 13th Sep
NovFriday 4th OctFriday 11th Oct

Media Pack

Rate Card

Ad specs

Outdoor Swimmer Logo

Contact Us

If you have questions about advertising, contributing or any other general questions, please contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.