Submission Guidelines

We welcome submissions from swimmers, writers and relevant professionals


Please email with your swim story, letter or with news about your swimming community. For My Swim Story, please check out recent editions of the magazine for examples first. You should send ~800 words of text in Word format along with high-quality images, as attachments rather than embedded. Please include the name of the photographer and confirm to us that you have their permission to use the pictures.

We don’t pay for My Swim Story contributions, letters or community updates.


We work with a small number of freelance writers. If you wish to pitch an idea, please ensure you have studied Outdoor Swimmer magazine first, then email with your pitch along with your credentials and links to examples of your work.

Please note: we are a small independent magazine and our fees reflect this.

Other professionals

Over the years, we have worked with a number of other professionals such as swimming coaches, yoga instructors, physiotherapists, personal trainers etc. for content relevant to swimmers such as training ideas, land exercises for strength and mobility and similar. If this is you, please email with your idea either for a one-off article or a series. We usually accept articles in exchange for promoting your main business to our audience.