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the Gower Peninsula, the first area in Great Britain to be designated an AONB (An Area of
Outstanding Natural Beauty).
Langland Bay is a reasonably safe bay for water activities, with safety is covered by RNLI lifeguards from May to Mid-September. Langland is also popular with surfers, canoeists and SUP users, and a popular family beach with ample car parking and tennis courts available.
The bay is open 24 hours, but swim sessions are usually held two hours before and two hours after high tides. Sessions also depend on tidal and weather conditions.
Due to the use of the bay by other water sports enthusiasts, and occasionally water jet users, the use of tow floats, and swim hats, by swimmers are advised. During the early part of the season, up to the beginning of July, wetsuits are also recommended, especially to novice swimmers, but not obligatory.