Free water safety toolkit from the RLSS
As a result of Covid-19 RNLI lifeguards are not currently operating and many supervised open water venues are still closed. The Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS) have had to put face-to-face training on hold while social distancing is in place, but you could learn some basic water skills that could be life-changing with a free RLSS toolkit available online.
Every year around 700 people lose their lives in a water-related incident across the UK and Ireland. Most incidents are completely avoidable. Swim England, British Triathlon and the RLSS have published safety advice following the partial lifting of the coronavirus lockdown restrictions to help prevent people getting into difficulties, however, many people are returning to the water to swim or take part in other leisure activities.
Did you know 43% of people would jump into the water to save somebody? It is a natural instinct and if you are also an outdoor swimmer it is very tempting to leap in and help. But without correct knowledge and training it is risky and life threatening. If you are part of a swimming group, club or often swim with others it is worth learning some skills and educating yourself to give you confidence in the water. If you have children, even young lifesavers can complete the course.
The toolkit runs over four units and covers an introduction to water safety, different environments, emergency actions and safe rescue. It is simple to do once you register online,
Photo (c) RLSS