OnCourse Goggles hit funding target
Kickstarter looks like the place to be if you’ve got an innovative product for swimmers. The team behind OnCourse Goggles has been trying to raise $60,000 and earlier today hit its target with around 48 hours before its deadline.
OnCourse describe their product as: “navigation goggles for ANY swimmer who swims in open water for recreation, endurance or competition.”
The goggles utilise the earth’s magnetic field to detect direction and signal deviation from the chosen course by flashing red, green or blue lights in the swimmer’s field of vision.
The proceeds from the campaign will be used for moulding, tooling, component purchases and other costs associated with building inventory.
There’s still time to support the project through Kickstarter until 18 September. See:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/oncoursegoggles/oncourse-goggles-navigate-open-water-and-swim-stra for details.