Spring into action – recipe 2
Finding it hard to fit in your swims and fuel yourself properly? Here is one of three recipes for the time-poor outdoor swimmer from nutritionist Kathy Findlay
Fitting swimming into a busy work/life schedule can be a challenge, so here is a quick and easy smoothie for you to scoff before you head to the water straight after work and something to dip into post swim before heading home for a proper recovery meal.
To lift you from the mid-afternoon slump and boost your energy levels you’ll need some fast acting carbs for energy, slower release carbs to keep you going during the swim, a touch of potassium to prevent cramping and maybe some B vitamins to help with that release of energy. Make sure you’re suitably hydrated too by sipping 6mls of water per kg of bodyweight in the few hours before your swim.
Pre-swim smoothie
If you’ve limited time before your swim, then whizz together a smoothie
before you leave for work in the
morning and guzzle it just before you
hit the water.
The ingredients in this smoothie
contain omega 3s to provide the body
with energy, a combination of protein
with fats and fibre to keep you feeling
fuller for longer, fibre to slow the
breakdown and absorption of sugar
and nutrients for energy transfer
and storage such as B vitamins,
magnesium, iron, sulphur and co-
enzyme Q10.
1/2 a ripe avocado
2 handfuls of spinach
1 handful of kale
1⁄2 cucumber
200ml almond milk
50g almonds
25g cashews
1 tbsp sunflower seeds