Your poo is needed! Take part in a river swimming study
A new study is recruiting participants to shed light on how wild swimmers might acquire antibiotic-resistant bacteria, also known as ‘superbugs’, in their gut microbiomes
Researchers at the University of Exeter are recruiting participants to shed light on what the risk of carrying antibiotic-resistant bacteria are among outdoor swimmers across the UK.
The study is looking for:
1) People who regularly engage in freshwater activities that involve getting their head wet (e.g. swimming)
2) People who do not go into the water
To participate, you must meet the following criteria:
- Be 16 years of age or older
- Not have any health conditions that increase your risk of infection or necessitate frequent hospital visits.
- Not have travelled outside Europe in the past six months
- Not have had an overnight stay in a healthcare facility in the past six months
- Not have received a course of antibiotics in the past six months
If you decide to take part, you will receive a Faecal Sample Collection Kit, which will include all the information and materials you need to participate, including a short questionnaire asking about your swimming habits, lifestyle and general health. You can collect your sample at your own home at your convenience, and return them in a pre-paid and addressed box, so there will be no expenses put on you.
Information submitted will be anonymised and participation is voluntary. You are free to withdraw from the project at any point without having to give a reason.
To find out more and sign up for the study, visit ecehh.org/news/poo-sticks-river-swimming-study/