Swimmers wanted for cold water research study
Naomi Collier, a researcher at Portsmouth University, is looking for swimmers who will be undertaking non-wetsuit open water swim training for the first time, and swimmers who will be continuing their training in a heated pool. The study is to see whether there are any changes in the immune systems and health in the first six weeks of adaptation to cold water and through the season.
Participation would involve providing blood and saliva samples on two occasions six weeks apart in the spring, plus completion of a short weekly questionnaire for eight weeks, and a slightly longer questionnaire twice. Naomi would also request blood and saliva samples once in September, plus the short questionnaire twice and the longer one once.
Ideally you should be within about two hours’ drive of Portsmouth.
If you would like to know more, then please contact Naomi at naomi.collier@port.ac.uk, or call or text her on 07711 548991.