How to embrace the changing seasons
The cold and darkness of autumn and winter can get you down if you let it. If you find yourself feeling low in the colder months, then there are things you can do to try and combat those seasonal blues
The cold and darkness of autumn and winter can get you down if you let it. If you find yourself feeling low in the colder months, then there are things you can do to try and combat those autumn and winter blues. As well as daily doses of vitamin D and using an SAD lamp, try reframing your approach to winter. Think cozy nights, woolly jumpers and log fires. Winter is also the season for cold water swimming, so grab your open water tribe and head to the water! Swimming through the seasons will give you a stronger sense of connection with nature and your place in the natural world. Whether it is a crisp icy morning or a blustery grey day, be grateful for the chance to experience the changing seasons from the unique viewpoint of the water.
With your tribe by your side
The benefits of winter swimming are threefold: cold water, community and blue spaces can all boost our mental health. With your open water tribe by your side you are part of a powerful community: friendships and real-life relationships have been proven to help our mental health. Being outdoors in green and blue spaces also has a positive effect on our mental health. Add to this the shot of happy hormones that is triggered when we enter cold water and you have a powerful antidote to those winter blues.
No such thing as bad weather…
Having the right kit can help you have a more enjoyable winter swim. Make sure you have plenty of layers to warm you up after your swim plus a changing robe or big coat to get cozy in for your post-swim chat, coffee and cake. Neoprene gloves and booties will help protect your hands and feet from the cold, while the new Zoggs Open Water range of swimsuits have a thermal silver lining that maintains the body’s temperature 60% longer than a regular swimsuit. Twin with a bobble hat for the classic winter swimmer look!
Swim down the degrees
The easiest way to swim through the winter is to just keep swimming! Swim down the degrees, spending less time in the water as it gets colder. Listen to your body and only spend as much time in the water as you are comfortable with – a couple of minutes is long enough to get those feelgood endorphins. Winter swimming is all about having fun and combating the winter blues so grab your mates and see you at the water!