Swim to clear plastic from the ocean
Can you help us remove the equivalent of 12,500 plastic bottles from the Ocean in March?
All you need to do is register for our March Mission – 12,500 bottles on the Climategames app and then swim 31km before the end of March – that’s just 1km per day. And you can swim those kilometres anywhere.
We’re looking for 500 swimmers to take part. Climate Games will remove 250g of plastic for everyone who completes the challenge. With plastic bottles weighing around 10g each on average, that’s 25 bottles per person – or 12,500 bottles for 500 people.
Why now? Because World Wildlife Day (WWD) is on 3 March. While WWD celebrates the diversity of life on our planet, it is also marked to raise awareness about the loss of biodiversity. Once in the ocean, plastic never disappears unless we physically remove it and possess a large threat to nature, marine life, and society.
ClimateGames works with RESEA to remove plastic from the ocean. Find out more here: https://www.reseaproject.com
To take part in the challenge, you will need to follow the link below from a mobile device. If you’ve already downloaded Climategames, then just join the challenge there. Otherwise, download the Climategames app, create and account, and then join in.
p.s. Once you complete the challenge, you can also claim a free copy of Outdoor Swimmer magazine* from us.
(*UK only)