Berry and banana smoothie
EXTRA,  HEALTH,  May 2024,  Nutrition

The Fell Foodie’s berry and banana smoothie recipe

Whizz up this simple and nutritious smoothie – ideal for post-swim adventures. Recipe by the Fell Foodie, Harrison Ward.

Sure, you could just pop to the shop and grab one ready-made, but imagine the feeling of smugness if you’ve made your own. Everyone you bump into on your walk will be jealous, I promise. It also justifies that lockdown-purchase smoothie maker which you said you’d use regularly. Frozen fruit will make this one more economical if creating it on the regular, or grab yourself a 100 per cent discount code from Mother Nature by foraging brambles between August and September. Just be sure to leave some for the critters to feast on.

How to make the berry and banana smoothie

Serves 2


2 bananas
15 strawberries
40g blueberries
½ tangerine or satsuma
100g natural yoghurt or coconut alternative*


  • Peel and roughly chop the bananas and add to a food processor or smoothie maker.
  • Dehull the strawberries and add to the machine along with the blueberries and ½ a tangerine or satsuma (peeled).
  • Spoon in the yoghurt and blend until smooth. Loosen with water to the desired consistency.
  • Pack in a flask or bottle to carry on your adventure.

See the Fell Foodie’s energy balls recipe.

Harrison Ward’s new book, Cook Out is out now. This ultimate outdoor adventure cookbook contains over 80 of easy-to-prepare gourmet recipes that will keep you fuelled all day long. Purchase here.

Photo by Kenny Block

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