The Great British Skinny Dip is back

Do you like a cheeky dip in the nip? Then why not add the Great British Skinny Dip to your calendar?

This summer, thousands of people across the UK will be taking the plunge and skinny dipping to raise money for British Heart Foundation (BHF) while experiencing the exhilaration of being naked. It’s also a chance, according to organisers, to improve your mental and physical health, boost your body confidence and reduce stress. 

The Great British Skinny Dip is a campaign by British Naturism (BN) aimed at raising funds for the BHF, while promoting greater understanding of naturism and social nudity; encouraging acceptance and participation in naturism; improving facilities and opportunities for naturism; and promoting body confidence and wellbeing. 

Participation in Naturism is apparently on the rise, with BN reporting significant increases in new joiners since the 2020 lockdown. An Ipsos poll commissioned by British Naturism in 2022 revealed that almost seven million Britons describe themselves as ‘Naturists’ or ‘Nudists’.

You can find all forthcoming events on the Great British Skinny Dip calendar – there’s even a map so you can easily locate dips in your area. Venue owners are being encouraged to get in touch if they’d like to join. 

Reasons to give it a go

“Taboos around nudity are eroding and the health and wellbeing benefits of going naked are more widely understood, with more and more people wanting to shrug off convention and the rigours of daily life and experience it for themselves,” said Andrew Welch, National spokesman for British Naturism. 

“Swimming without a costume is one of the most exhilarating things you can do and we want to encourage everyone to come and give it a go – and raise much needed funds for our charity partner, British Heart Foundation.”

Search the Great British Skinny Dip calendar to find a location or venue near you.

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Outdoor Swimmer is the magazine for outdoor swimmers by outdoor swimmers. We write about fabulous wild swimming locations, amazing swim challenges, swim training advice and swimming gear reviews.