Food planner
(This is an extract from our nutrition article published in the August / September 2012 issue of H2Open Magazine)
Having a framework (or goal) for our nutrition is crucial. We might be trying to lose weight, gain muscle or tailor our nutrition for a race. Whatever the aim, it makes sense to plan and keep track of what we eat.
Ad-hoc eating pa erns based on ‘I’ll eat what and as much as I feel like whenever I like’ are part of the reason that many swimmers struggle to get into the shape they want, or have the energy they need. If you feel that dietary change is necessary, then there is nothing wrong with planning this change.
Also, when we eat is as important as what we eat. For example, 2,000 calories spread over a whole day is going to be processed diff erently to the same amount eaten at night in one sitting. Planning and recording promotes consistency of intake and makes it easy to tweak the things you need to, to get the required results.
See below for a sample food planner.