FEATURES,  View from the Water

Free access to electronic issue for subscribers

From today (22 March 11), subscribers to H2Open have free access to our digital edition as part of their subscription package. The digital edition is identical to the print edition – with all the same open water swimming features, news and reviews – except you don’t have to wait for postal services to read it. If you are already a subscriber to the print version you should have received (or will receive shortly) an email your username and password. New subscribers, please wait five days for us to process your order. Your electronic subscription will commence with the start of the print subscription.

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I started Outdoor Swimmer in 2011 (initially as H2Open Magazine) as an outlet for my passion for swimming outdoors. I've been a swimmer and outdoor swimmer for as long as I remember. Swimming has made a huge difference to my life and I want to share its joys and benefits with as many people as possible. I am also the author of Swim Wild & Free: A Practical Guide to Swimming Outdoors 365 a Year, I provide one-to-one support to swimmers through Swim Mentoring and I'm the creator of the Renaissance Swimmer project.