Speedo Misfit Shine Swimmer’s Edition
Rather than being a GPS enabled swimming or triathlon computer, the new Speedo Misfit Shine Swimmer’s Edition is an example of the new breed of low key activity trackers, designed to be worn 24/7. Sleek and attractive, it can be worn on the wrist or it clips on to clothing or footwear. There’s even jewellery designed to hold the silver disc that does all the magic. The Speedo Misfit is one of only two trackers that actually measure pool laps, rather than just logging swimming as a generic activity. In use all it takes is three taps to the face to start the lap counter and another three taps at the end to stop it. Data is easily accessed and perused via the smartphone app.
While not intended for open water use, this is a great little gadget for pool swimming and training, particularly for those looking to increase their overall activity levels across the board, not just through swimming.
For someone looking for a simple lap counting activity tracker that doesn’t make you look like you’re wearing a prisoner’s electronic tag, this is spot on.