Candlelight meditation

A guide to candlelight meditation

New to meditation? This candlelight meditation by Liz Lowe is a lovely practice to bring calm and clarity, and is ideal for beginners.

This candlelight meditation is a lovely practice to bring calm and clarity. For those new to meditation, sitting with eyes open rather than closed, and with an object to focus on, can feel easier.

  1. Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably with a straight back.
  2. Light a candle and position it so you can rest your eyes on it without straining your neck.
  3. Set a timer for between two to five minutes.
  4. Take a few long, slow breaths, imagining the breath bringing softness to any areas of tension.
  5. With a soft gaze, observe the ever-changing movement of the candle flame.
  6. Notice any thoughts arising but try not to get caught up in them – each time your mind wanders, just return your focus to the candlelight.
  7. When the timer goes off, reconnect with your breath, maybe take a stretch, and move slowly into the rest of your day.

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This article originally featured in the December issue of Outdoor Swimmer. To subscribe to the magazine, click here.

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