Dip a Day December
For most people the beginning of December marks the annual countdown towards Christmas and the new year, Advent chocolate is scoffed and panic buying begins. But for Contributing Editor, Ella Foote, December is the start of her annual challenge to dip daily outdoors – Dip a Day December.
“I started Dip a Day in December 2016, I was fed up and hated dark, short days,” says Ella. “I came up with the idea to raise some money for charity and give me a daily focus. I never expected for it to become an annual challenge!”
This year, Ella is dipping to raise money and awareness of The Rivers Trust. Outdoor Swimmer magazine and Henley Swim will be supporting her month of dips. “Our rivers this year have hit the headlines,” says Ella. “The Rivers Trust are working to make rivers fit to swim in and I wanted to focus my daily swims on highlighting the issues our waterways are facing, celebrate where rivers are thriving and see if I can provide useful information and data to the trust for their research. I plan to swim in a different river every day, 31 rivers to explore and immerse into.”
You can follow Ella’s dipping river project on Instagram and Twitter @ellachloeswims or make a donation by visiting: justgiving.com/fundraising/dip…