Diversport-Swimnolimits Team conquer the ‘Over Sea’
Three swimmers from the Diversport-Swimnolimits Team have become the first to swim the 26-mile stretch of wild Catalan coast between Roses and Portbou, Spain. The area is traditionally called the ‘Over Sea’ by Spanish fishermen.
David Pavón and Pau Cusó swam the distance as a team, while 55-year-old Josep Maria Caireta undertook the challenge solo.
The team started at 6.15am on Palangres beach, from where the swimmers set off in the dark. They were accompanied by safety boats and kayaks and fed every 30 minutes.
Right from the start, the swimmers had to battle heavy swell and strong winds. For the first 10km Pavón also suffered from head and stomach aches, which nearly forced him to retire: “I felt I can’t go on, my mind broke and I had no good feelings, but with all the team supporting me I kept going and suddenly here I am at Portbou. We achieved the conquest of the Over Sea!”
The swim took 13 hours and the team arrived at Portbou in darkness to be greeted by family and friends.
“Today I know my limits,” said Caireta, after he finished his solo swim.