Zone3 announced as new water safety partner for RLSS UK

The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) has announced Zone3 as their new water safety partner. All RLSS UK water safety partners benefit from a bespoke package of safety guidance and support, as well as being able to promote their RLSS UK partner status to their customers. They also share a common passion with RLSS UK – to help improve water safety, so everyone can enjoy being in, on or near water safely.

“We are very excited to have the opportunity to partner with RLSS UK,” says Eleanor Driscoll, Zone3’s Marketing Executive.

“We are confident that their knowledge and expertise will empower our customers to have a safer experience while swimming in the open water.”

Zone3 exists to inspire athletes to achieve their goals: from first-timers to elite-level, from pool swimmers to open water adventurers, Zone3’s belief of placing the participant at the centre of all product creation and testing, began with their founder James Lock, in 2006.

As an elite triathlete, Lock was always looking for ways to gain an advantage over the competition and this inspired Zone3’s research, to refine and innovate new sports technologies, giving triathletes a competitive edge.

An RLSS UK water safety partnership is a commercial, mutually beneficial agreement designed to ensure our name is a trusted brand: a brand with an ongoing dedication to raising awareness, educating people in water safety and promoting safe water-based activities, and a brand synonymous with high standards of products, services and industry innovation.

In an additional boost to the partnership, a range of Zone3 products are now available online at the RLSS UK Shop (, then there’s 20 per cent off their full range of award-winning products, available exclusively to RLSS UK Members, from their website:

“To bring such a prestigious brand as Zone3 on board as a water safety partner is a huge coup for RLSS UK,” says Helen Bowker-Steer, RLSS UK’s Commercial Manager.

“Boasting an impressive portfolio of global tri and paratriathletes as brand ambassadors, their partnership with us places water safety at the heart of everything Zone3 do. This commitment sends out a powerful message that both organisations share – you can’t be serious about open water if you aren’t serious about water safety too.

“This partnership champions Zone3 as a brand to be trusted, regardless of your level as a triathlete, and cements RLSS UK’s position as the ‘go-to’ organisation for water safety advice and support.”

Zone3 join a respected and expanding group of RLSS UK water safety partners, alongside the likes of Queens Award for Enterprise and International Trade winners, Ruth Lee Ltd, global aqua park innovators Wibit and Aquaglide, and open water enthusiasts’ favourite, dryrobe.

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