Orca how to choose a wetsuit
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How to choose the best wetsuit for your swim

With the wide range of open water wetsuits available on the market, it can be challenging narrowing down the right wetsuit for your swimming needs. With Orca, we’ve put together this handy guide so you can make an informed choice when buying a swimming wetsuit.

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Are you looking to take on longer, more adventurous swims? Or perhaps you’re a beginner outdoor swimmer looking for extra support in the water? Then a wetsuit might be a useful item of kit to add to your swimming gear.

Open water wetsuits provide swimmers with thermal insulation in cold water, plus flexibility for an unhindered stroke, and buoyancy for extra support during your swim.

How to choose the right wetsuit for your swimming

With the wide range of open water wetsuits available on the market, it can be challenging narrowing down the right wetsuit for your swimming needs. With swimwear brand Orca, we’ve put together this handy guide so you can make an informed choice when buying a swimming wetsuit.

Discover more about choosing the right open water wetsuit for you at orca.com

Outdoor Swimmer is the magazine for outdoor swimmers by outdoor swimmers. We write about fabulous wild swimming locations, amazing swim challenges, swim training advice and swimming gear reviews.