Cake! Cake! Cake!
With its finely tuned ratio of carbs, fats and protein, cake is so versatile that it can be used both pre-swim for energy and post-swim for recovery. And it is just so delicious.
What is your favourite cake for fuelling your outdoor swimming adventures? Send us your best cake recipes and, under the auspices of The International Institute for Swim Cake Studies, we will undertake the arduous task of sampling your delights in order to find the ultimate Outdoor Swimmer outdoor swimming cake. Our favourites will be published in the magazine and first place will win an Outdoor Swimmer hoodie to help you keep toasty after your swims.
Send your favourite recipes to editor@outdoorswimmer.com. Extra points if you can also provide pictorial evidence of your cake being used in the field (or lakeside, riverside, beach).
Please note, we don’t want to get involved in the cake/pie debate. That is just heresy.