Autumn adventures, cold water swimming kit and swimming the English Channel at 11 years old
When I was 11 I was mostly concerned with buying Madonna’s latest single, playing with my dogs and trying to avoid playing rugby. Massive feats of endurance were pretty far from my mind. In the November issue of Outdoor Swimmer Magazine we meet Tom Gregory, who swam the English Channel when aged just 11. His bestselling autobiography Boy in the Water was Radio 4’s Book of the Week and has catapulted him and his feat back into the public eye – not always with positive reactions. We find out the truth behind his Channel crossing.
Save yourself a trip to the shops and pre-order the November issue directly from us:…
In our November issue we also welcome new columnist Simon Murie, founder of SwimTrek, who offers advice on extending your swimming season through the winter. Elswewhere in the magazine we explore the wild waters of Greece, Sardinia, the Isles of Scilly and review swimming events from around the world.
- How to use “if… then…” scenario planning to help you deal with challenging situations when swimming
- Pull-buoy training to improve your catch
- Should you ditch the kick-board from your training sessions?
- Open water swimming after a double lung transplant
- Teaching swimming teachers in Zanzibar
And of course event reviews and listings, news, gear, interviews and inspiring photography and readers’ swim stores. Order your copy here or subscribe now to never miss an issue.
Swim wild and free,
Jonathan Cowie
Editor, Outdoor Swimmer Magazine
This week’s photo of the week is our November issue cover image – swimmer Jen Burke elated after finishing the Outdoor Swimming Society’s Hurly Burly.
Image credit: Jess Rose and the Outdoor Swimming Society