Christmas quiz
1. Who are the current men’s and women’s FINA Grand Prix Open Water world champions?
2. Which British athlete has already qualified for the marathon swim in the Brazil Olympics?
3. How many people swim outside for 30 minutes at least four times every four weeks (according to the latest Active People Survey)?
4. How many times did Chloë McCardel swim across the English Channel in 2015?
5. What was the longest event on the BLDSA calendar in 2015, and what will it be in 2016 (Location and distance)?
6. Where will the 2016 Winter Swimming World Championships take place?
7. Michael Ventre plans to be the first person to swim from where to where (a distance of 3,800 miles)?
8. Which marathon swimmer used his time on the podium to propose to his girlfriend by holding up a handwritten note?
9. The Old Men and the Sea team set a new record for the oldest relay team to cross the Catalina Channel. What was the combined age of the six swimmers?
10. What should you not do before taking part in a festive dip?
Email your answers to by 29 December 2015 for a chance to win a Booicore changing robe.